Welcome to d4hackweek!#
We are excited to welcome you to the Disasters, Demography, Disparities and Decisions (D4) Hack Week.
This 5-day collaborative workshop hosted at the University of Washington tackles challenges associated with integrating social and weather datasets across spatial and temporal scales, in order to investigate demographic disparities and decision-making related to severe weather events like flooding, hurricanes, and wildfire.
This JupyterBook contains the information you need as a participant in the D4 Hack Week.
📖 On this JupyterBook website you’ll find tutorials. Some tutorials are Jupyter Notebooks, designed to be run interactively, but also rendered on this website for convenience. Others are Youtube videos or text, which you can follow along.
👩💻 During the D4 Hack Week, teams work collaboratively on different projects related to integrating social and meteorological data. Read more about the projects on our teams page
💡 Learn more about hackweeks hosted by the University of Washington eScience Institute, or check out the publication describing the hackweek educational model and the AI2ES publication on a novel approach to a hackweek.
Quick links for the event
GitHub organization: d4hackweek
Agenda: https://d4hackweek.github.io/d4book/index.html?jump_to=schedule
JupyterHub: https://jupyterhub.hpc.ucar.edu